Rafael Manguito

Age: 31
Country: Portugal
Location: Tomar
Affiliation: Exército Português
Team: Portuguese Military
Height: 5 ft 9 in
Weight: 187 lb
Logbook ID: 1984936
Member since: May 19, 2023

A Simple person trying to get more physical performance without any major competition goal.
Just want to compete against me to surprass me everyday.

Recent Workouts View log

Date Time Distance Pace Type
09/10/24 43:46.3 10,000m 2:11.3 RowErg
09/02/24 42:12.3 10,000m 2:06.6 RowErg
09/02/24 52:41.8 10,000m 2:38.0 RowErg
08/21/24 30:00.0 6,653m 2:15.2 RowErg
08/21/24 30:00.0 13,106m 2:17.3 BikeErg