Ben Walsh

Age: 47
Country: United Kingdom
Location: Hitchin
Affiliation: Age Without Limits
Team: Age Without Limits
Height: 6 ft 0 in
Weight: 194 lb
Wingspan: 6 ft 0 in
Logbook ID: 2241683
Member since: February 08, 2024

Marathoner and Ultra runner, looking for new adventures after being told I need to give it a rest for a while due to God damn awful ankles and feet.

Recent Workouts View log

Date Time Distance Pace Type
02/12/25 8:36.9 2,016m 2:08.1 RowErg
02/12/25 37:42.8 9,204m 1:53.2 RowErg
02/12/25 43:22.9 10,017m 2:09.9 RowErg
02/11/25 1:27:34.8 21,097m 2:04.5 RowErg
02/11/25 42:58.7 10,016m 2:08.7 RowErg

Ranked Workouts for Current Season

Date Event Result Pace Type
08/20/24 100m 0:18.8 1:34.0 RowErg
08/19/24 1:00.0 314m 1:35.5 RowErg
08/20/24 500m 1:39.5 1:39.5 RowErg
08/20/24 1,000m 3:26.3 1:43.1 RowErg
07/27/24 4:00.0 1,144m 1:44.8 RowErg
08/20/24 2,000m 7:05.7 1:46.4 RowErg
07/31/24 6,000m 22:18.2 1:51.5 RowErg
07/30/24 30:00.0 8,023m 1:52.1 RowErg
12/10/24 10,000m 37:30.4 1:52.5 RowErg
11/07/24 1:00:00.0 15,174m 1:58.6 RowErg