Mike Hill

Age: 60
Country: United Kingdom
Location: Near Gloucester
Height: 6 ft 1 in
Weight: 269 lb
Logbook ID: 225540
Member since: May 07, 2006

Too old for this shit and too unfit not to take it up again 😳

Recent Workouts View log

Date Time Distance Pace Type
02/23/20 22:31.7 5,000m 2:15.1 RowErg
02/23/20 4:17.2 1,000m 2:08.6 RowErg
02/21/20 22:58.2 5,000m 2:17.8 RowErg
02/19/20 23:05.4 5,000m 2:18.5 RowErg
02/17/20 8:32.1 2,000m 2:08.0 RowErg