Voke Okoh

Age: 47
Country: United States
Location: Hill Country Village, TX
Affiliation: US Army
Team: RowAlong
Height: 5 ft 10 in
Weight: 249 lb
Logbook ID: 255589
Member since: October 28, 2006

I rowed for the U of Minnesota my freshman year a former life ago;) Rowing purist...no BikeErg meters.

Recent Workouts View log

Date Time Distance Pace Type
07/21/24 59:59.0 11,874m 2:31.5 RowErg
07/13/24 40:01.8 8,069m 2:28.8 RowErg
07/08/24 44:28.4 10,017m 2:13.1 RowErg
07/02/24 30:01.3 6,566m 2:17.1 RowErg
06/23/24 1:43.1 457m 1:52.8 RowErg