Ken Benoit

Age: 77
Country: Canada
Location: Angus, ON
Affiliation: The Diamonds (Over Sixties Erging Group)
Team: The Diamonds (Over Sixties Erging Group)
Height: 5 ft 10 in
Weight: 159 lb
Logbook ID: 3781
Member since: March 05, 2000

RMC Grad 1969
Living in Angus Ontario (100km north of Toronto). Nice area close to Georgian Bay. Active in many sports my whole life. Weight varies between 150 and 165 depending upon amt of weight trg and aerobic activities

Been weight training since age 16 fairly regularly. Started rowing in late nineties as a means of keeping up my fitness for squash competitions when I quit triathlons due to knee problems that interfered with running.

The last 10 years (since I turned 60) have been difficult due to knee surgery, back injuries and shoulder pain and surgery. Not surprising my times have fallen off accordingly but I am looking forward to setting some marks in the 70-79 lightweight group staring May 16, 2017.

Best to all.


Recent Workouts View log

Date Time Distance Pace Type
12/21/24 24:14.9 5,510m 2:12.0 RowErg
12/20/24 10:00.6 2,505m 1:59.8 RowErg
12/20/24 10:02.1 2,066m 2:25.7 RowErg
12/19/24 2:20.1 510m 2:17.3 RowErg
12/19/24 14:46.9 1,053m 1:46.4 RowErg

Ranked Workouts for Current Season

Date Event Result Pace Type
05/21/24 100m 0:16.7 1:23.5 RowErg
05/19/24 1:00.0 331m 1:30.6 RowErg
11/27/24 500m 1:36.1 1:36.1 RowErg
05/03/24 1,000m 3:46.7 1:53.3 RowErg
05/20/24 4:00.0 1,046m 1:54.7 RowErg
05/12/24 2,000m 7:54.4 1:58.6 RowErg
06/17/24 5,000m 21:23.3 2:08.3 RowErg
05/21/24 6,000m 25:58.6 2:09.8 RowErg
06/15/24 30:00.0 6,716m 2:14.0 RowErg