chris hall

Age: 78
Country: Australia
Location: Port Melbourne, VIC
Weight: 160 lb
Logbook ID: 857947
Member since: November 08, 2009
used the rowing machine to get fit pre cancer op and doing it for fun now. I won't ever catch the fast folks in my age group but still enjoy the workouts whatever the weather
It is great no load exercise, except for my shoulders already worn out from my farming days.
Running is my chief torture, marathons x3, halfs by 23 and lots of shorter runs. They are complementary activities ie rowing and running

Recent Workouts View log

Date Time Distance Pace Type
07/06/22 20:00.0 4,100m 2:26.3 RowErg
07/03/22 20:00.0 4,056m 2:27.9 RowErg
07/01/22 20:00.0 4,044m 2:28.3 RowErg
06/30/22 20:00.0 4,031m 2:28.8 RowErg
06/29/22 24:19.9 5,000m 2:25.9 RowErg