Greg Johnson
Age: 73
Country: United States
Location: Spokane, WA
Affiliation: Spokane River Rowing Association
Team: Inland EmperOars
Height: 6 ft 5 in
Weight: 225 lb
Wingspan: 6 ft 2 in
Logbook ID: 862117
Member since: December 24, 2009
Pomfret School ('69-'71); Marietta College ('72-'76); Flat Rock ('77 to '16); Lake Washington RC and Seattle RC (co-founder) ('83-'93); Spokane River RA (1994-to date); Diamond Lake Scullers (2018 - date); Bought C2-A erg, 11/81; "inherited" C2-B in '88; purchased C2-C, 2/09; added ShoxBox 2/13; bought used C2 Dynamic 12/1/13 (more shell-like). Put slides under C2-D at Michelle's.2020: alternating between Lisa's Coffey SimulatOar ("CSO"), a C2 Dynamic and a C2-D w/slides. CSO feels very scull-like and I can row it longer, 11/2020: ordered a CSO w/PM5. 1/27/2021: first row on my CSO. Purchased a C2 BikeErg (12/3/2021) for X-training.