Inland EmperOars

Inland EmperOars is open to anyone who's heart or soul is in the Inland Empire--that little piece of heaven between the Cascades and the Rockies.

Athlete Age Location Country
Allison Sigg 21 USA
Amanda Kyle 37 Spokane, WA USA
Anne-Marie Misko-Kennedy 50 Spokane, WA USA
Bill Osborne 69 Spokane, WA USA
Bobbi Kizer 43 Spokane, WA USA
Brad Bardwell 67 Usk, WA USA
Brandan Borgias 67 Spokane, WA USA
Brent Hendricks 41 WA USA
Bruce Gallaher 63 SPOKANE, WA USA
Carol Williams 63 Spokane, WA USA
Chris McGlothlen 56 Spokane, WA USA
Chris Chambers 62 USA
Daniel Sigg 58 Spokane, WA USA
Darren Borgias 65 Ashland, OR USA
Dennis Hession 75 USA
Derek Drysdale 53 Spokane, WA USA
Doug Kee 72 Oroville, WA USA
Erin Ross 49 Spokane, WA USA
Erwin Muller 65 Costa Careyes MEX
Gayne Sears 63 Colbert, WA USA
Greg Johnson 73 Spokane, WA USA
Guy Marden 84 Baker City, OR USA
Gwen Welch 58 USA
Harry Cronin 34 Spokane, WA USA
Jackson Romney 32 USA
Jamie Redman 38 Spokane, WA USA
Jamie Redman 38 Spokane, WA USA
Jan Rice 68 USA
Jeff Gibson 66 USA
Jen Drysdale 49 Spokane, WA USA
Jen Clifford 54 Spokane, WA USA
Jill Mokry 45 Houston, TX USA
Jim Flaigle 42 USA
Joe Gasperi 59 Spokane, WA USA
Joel Hernandez 52 USA
John Poseley 81 Priest River, ID USA
Jonathan Galow 56 Spokane, WA USA
Josh Grant 75 Wilbur, WA USA
Kathryn Reif 42 Pullman, WA USA
Katie Cisewski 43 USA
Kevin bacon 61 USA
Kristen Hair 37 USA
Mark Springer 57 Spokane, WA USA
Nora Graebner 71 USA
Okju Cha 64 MEX
Pamela Gallaher 64 USA
Patricia Sudick 74 USA
Rachael Evans 47 USA
Rachel S 16 WA USA
Rebecca Hutchinson 36 USA
Richard Conrey 74 Clinton, NY USA
Robert Mackey 69 San Diego, CA USA
Sarah Surface 28 USA
Scott Plagman 56 USA
Sharon Greany 67 USA
Shawn Steinmetz 59 La Grande, OR USA
Steve Berube 39 USA
Tanya Smith 45 USA
Theresa Helmbrecht 59 Spokane, WA USA
Thomas Elam 45 USA