Saraj Cory

Age: 66
Country: United States
Location: Santa Rosa, CA
Affiliation: Age Without Limits
Team: Age Without Limits
Height: 5 ft 7 in
Weight: 145 lb
Logbook ID: 915140
Member since: January 08, 2012

Danced most of my life. Started rowing and cross country in college. Rowed whenever I could find the equipment. Started Martial Arts at 45; earned 2nd degree at 52. Bought my own rowing machine in January for extra cardio workout and love love LOVE to row! Started 10,000 meters by accident (I didn't get my finger off the meter in time) and have never looked back. When not rowing or kicking things, I'm an amateur radio contester. First and probably only Marathon, Marine Corp, 2015. Bravo and carry on.

Recent Workouts View log

Date Time Distance Pace Type
04/02/18 12:00.0 2,200m 2:43.6 RowErg
03/31/18 30:20.0 5,000m 3:02.0 RowErg
03/30/18 31:00.0 5,000m 3:06.0 RowErg
03/28/18 12:00.0 2,000m 3:00.0 RowErg
03/26/18 2,000m RowErg