Duccio Tessadri

Age: 49
Country: Italy
Location: Rovereto
Affiliation: Prosport Trento, Italy
Team: Team TomTam
Email: ducciotessadri@gmail.com
Height: 5 ft 9 in
Weight: 154 lb
Logbook ID: 945446
Member since: November 30, 2012

Cross country skiing, mountain running, a little of weighlifting... and now even rowing :)

Recent Workouts View log

Date Time Distance Pace Type
07/26/24 45:00.0 10,229m 2:11.9 RowErg
07/24/24 44:23.2 9,025m 2:14.6 RowErg
07/23/24 1:07:30.0 13,797m 2:11.0 RowErg
07/18/24 1:05:53.1 15,000m 2:11.7 RowErg
07/16/24 1:15:46.1 16,033m 2:13.6 RowErg