John Rupp

Age: 78
Country: United States
Location: Santa Maria 🏃🏻‍♂️
Affiliation: Pace per Weight
Team: Team Diamonds
Height: 5 ft 8 in
Weight: 155 lb
Logbook ID: 12101
Member since: February 22, 2001

My spouse passed away in 2013.
Running was the only thing that helped me get through the grief of her passing.
Knee pain stopped my running in 2016. I swam for two years but it hurt my leg more..
Using a Skierg from July 2018 through July 2020 did help, but the clutches kept failing.
I started using a Bikeerg in August 2019, and switched to 150mm cranks in April 2021.
As of May 2022, my knees and legs are fine so I started walking more again.
January 2023, I got a Precor Elliptical while increasing my walking and starting to run again.
January 2024, I got a nice Cybex Arc Trainer for a good price to help support my walking and running.

Recent Workouts View log

Date Time Distance Pace Type
02/12/25 15:14.7 1,333m 5:43.0 On-snow
02/12/25 15:10.2 6,162m 2:27.7 BikeErg
02/12/25 10:00.0 3,296m 3:02.0 BikeErg
02/12/25 10:00.0 4,394m 2:16.5 BikeErg
02/12/25 10:00.0 4,340m 2:18.2 BikeErg