Danielle Cochran


Date Distance Time Pace Comments Action
03/05/22 7,457m 42:07.0 2:49.4

C2 Med WOD 3x10min w/4min b/t

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03/02/22 5,380m 30:08.0 2:48.0

C2 Med WOD 6x3min w/2min light b/t

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02/23/22 5,000m 25:44.0 2:34.4

C2 short WOD 5000m timed triall

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02/20/22 5,648m 30:06.0 2:39.8

C2 Med WOD 10x 2min followed by 1min light

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02/18/22 5,020m 36:08.0 3:35.9

C2 short WOD 5000m with speed adjustment every 1000m in a pyramid

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02/17/22 6,202m 32:07.0 2:35.3

C2 Med WOD 4x 6min w/2min light b/t

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02/16/22 6,000m 29:06.0 2:25.5

C2 Med WOD 6000m timed trial

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02/14/22 7,515m 39:07.0 2:36.1

C2 short WOD + a set
5x 1000m + 500m b/t each

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02/10/22 7,191m 38:07.0 2:39.0

C2 Med WOD 4x 1500 with 2 min light b/t

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02/03/22 4,015m 22:49.0 2:50.4

C2 short WOD 6x500 with 1 min b/t

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01/31/22 2,698m 13:54.0 2:34.5

C2 short WOD stroke pyramid 10-20-30-40-50-40-30-20-10 with same number light between

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01/30/22 2,000m 9:19.3 2:19.8

C2 WOD 2000m timed trial 115 cal

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01/29/22 6,719m 36:08.0 2:41.3

C2 WOD Med 6x 3:00 w/3:00 light b/T each


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01/28/22 500m 2:04.0 2:04.0 View workout
01/26/22 3,830m 20:07.0 2:37.5

C2 short WOD 9x 1:40 w :20 recovery except after 5th round do 2:00 recovery

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01/25/22 1,225m 6:51.0 2:47.7 View workout
01/23/22 1,016m 4:41.0 2:18.2

C2 short WOD 1000 m times trial

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01/22/22 6,882m 39:05.0 2:50.3

345 C2 Med WOD 2000m, 1500m, 1000m, 500m 3 min light b/t each

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01/21/22 2,889m 15:06.0 2:36.8

C2 short WOD 3x3min with 2min light b/t

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01/20/22 770m 5:06.0 3:18.7

Ran out of time today snuck in a 5min row

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