Matteo Mladenic


Date Distance Time Pace Comments Action
02/15/22 18,000m 1:19:13.3 2:12.0

8k, 6k, 4k ss
changed it up a bit because I was getting excruciatingly bored of my regular ss sessions

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02/14/22 7,984m 30:00.0 1:52.7

a really rough one
I thought I was gonna see my breakfast again

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02/10/22 12,000m 52:25.9 2:11.0

2 x 6k ss
a light one before Worcester
good to see that cardio splits haven't worsened

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02/07/22 11,423m 45:00.0 1:58.1

45’ UT1
20’@18, 15’@20, 10’@22
feeling broken - very poor splits

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02/06/22 8,101m 30:00.0 1:51.0

3 x 10' (3min rest)
TP+10 @28
wrist started being funny on the last one
butchered fingers from seat racing didn't h…

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02/02/22 10,000m 39:46.3 1:59.3

10K TP+20
wrist getting better but I’ll still do cardio on the wattbike for another week to be on the safe side

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01/31/22 6,067m 24:50.3 2:02.8

3 x 15' (90s rest) stopped
5@18, 4@20, 3@22, 2@24, 1@26
my wrist is kinda fucked - hopefully it'll be fine befo…

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01/27/22 18,210m 1:20:00.0 2:11.7

4 x 20’
The last 4 x 20’ before changing it up in Feb
Helping a novi with his erg technique while smashing out meters…

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01/26/22 7,971m 30:00.0 1:52.9

oh god here we go again
was feeling the weights but managed the aim of 1:53 so not upset - lowkey wish I went faster but nv…

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01/25/22 18,318m 1:20:00.0 2:11.0

4 x 20'
last interval felt heavy

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01/20/22 18,265m 1:20:00.0 2:11.3

4 x 20' ss
more steady state
cardio splits seem to be coming back yay

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01/19/22 10,000m 39:44.2 1:59.2

10k (TP+20)
legs are officially done for

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01/18/22 18,163m 1:20:00.0 2:12.1

4 x 20’ ss
legs obliterated from the first weights session back

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01/17/22 2,000m 6:45.1 1:41.2

Massive PB of 17s
definitely could've shaved off another split with better pacing
aim to go 6:35 in the summer

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01/16/22 6,935m 30:00.0 2:09.7

30' ss
light cardio before the 2k
HR on the high end (155-160) but I did it at Russel Seal so no surprises there
added s…

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01/13/22 2,000m 6:43.8 1:40.9

2 x 1k (2' rest) (@2k pace)
exhausting exam week did not help
2k aim pace for monday - 1:41

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01/12/22 15,000m 1:07:00.4 2:14.0

3 x 5k ss
interview and exam on the same day...
I want to sleep

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01/11/22 500m 1:39.2 1:39.2

500m (2k start prep)
a short one straight after ss

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01/11/22 17,938m 1:20:00.0 2:13.7

4 x 20' ss
first ss erg back in the erg room
heart rate took some getting used to the change in environment - I don't r…

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01/10/22 2,250m 7:31.7 1:40.3

3 x 750m (45s rest)
2k prep erg after a horrible exam hits different 😎
slightly sleep-deprived - also the first erg out of mini q…

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