Matteo Mladenic


Date Distance Time Pace Comments Action
01/05/22 18,537m 1:20:00.0 2:09.4

4 x 20'
further increase in volume
no such thing as too much volume!?
the near-perfect meters is infuriating

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01/04/22 13,892m 1:00:00.0 2:09.5

3 x 20' ss
back on the erg after a week
standard volume work at HR

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12/28/21 8,836m 32:00.0 1:48.6

4 x 8' (5' rest)
3'@22, 3'@24, 1min@26, 1min@24
back on it
paced it a split faster than last time I did t…

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12/26/21 5,000m 17:55.2 1:47.5

5K Test
maybe was not the best idea to do the 5k on boxing day
but a PB is a PB, I’ll take it

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12/23/21 7,500m 26:30.8 1:46.0

3 x 2.5k (5’ rest)
5k prep woooo
1:46 for the 5k it is
thought I saw god on the last piece

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12/21/21 17,613m 1:15:00.0 2:07.7

3 x 25' ss
below 150 hr

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12/20/21 8,784m 32:00.0 1:49.2

4 x 8' (5' rest)
3'@22, 3'@24, 1min@26, 1min@24
some intervals
can't tell how prepared I am for the…

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12/19/21 17,506m 1:15:00.0 2:08.5

3 x 25' ss
good old steady state
was definitely feeling the 30@20 from last night
tried to sit at a lower HR than usual…

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12/18/21 8,002m 30:00.0 1:52.4

Annoyed - went off too hard. Was a bit overconfident
Concluded that I should not have a rest day before the 5k

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12/16/21 9,595m 40:00.0 2:05.0

Time Pyramid
off then on
1'off, 1'on, 2', 2', 3', 3', 4', 4', 4', 4', 3',…

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12/15/21 17,844m 1:15:00.0 2:06.0

3 x 25' ss
standard volume work - back to seeing progress
hoping to draw out my inner Slavic power this winter training bloc…

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12/14/21 10,748m 40:00.0 1:51.6

4 x 10’ (5’ rest)
2min@22, 2min@24, 1min@28, 2min@26, 2min@24, 1min@28
Did the first piece too hard - still not fully…

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12/12/21 12,000m 53:18.2 2:13.2

2 x 6k ss
russel seal erg
light erg to recover from the Christmas dinner plague
right leg was extra rough today
pushed th…

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12/08/21 10,000m 42:03.6 2:06.1

10k ss
heart rate low but still felt grim
definitely not fully recovered

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12/06/21 13,218m 55:00.0 2:04.8

55' ss (24hr row pt. 4)
final hour - finishing strong

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12/05/21 14,313m 1:00:00.0 2:05.7

60' ss (24hr row pt. 3)
legs are getting very tired
harder then ss
gonna be sleeping like a baby tonight

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12/05/21 14,293m 1:00:00.0 2:05.9

60' ss (24hr row pt. 2)
very lovely bit of work
got overexcited and my HR was more in the 160-165 range oops

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12/05/21 15,046m 1:00:00.0 1:59.6

HOP @ rate 20 (24hr row pt. 1)
had to step off a few times for my right leg

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12/03/21 17,386m 1:15:00.0 2:09.4

3 x 25' ss
russel seal erg - never again

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12/02/21 17,727m 1:15:00.0 2:06.9

3 x 25' ss
new month, more volume - getting long and boring
sit bones were being v annoying and uncomfortable

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