May 1 Begins a New Logbook and Ranking Season!

April 22, 2016

The 2016/2017 Logbook and Ranking Season begins May 1 and will cover meters rowed or skied from May 1, 2016 to April 30, 2017. On May 1, the previous 12 months of data will be archived on your History page in the 2015/2016 Season, and a new 2016/2017 logbook and ranking year will begin. Your lifetime meters get carried forward to the new logbook year.

We’re working on lots of new features for the upcoming season, including better social media integration, heart rate information, training partner changes and more!

Rankings Deadline: May 7

You have until the end of May 7 GMT to manually rank or unrank any pieces for the 2015/2016 Season (May 1, 2015 to April 30, 2016). After that they are fixed. Starting May 8, the Rankings will only accept results for the 2016/2017 Season.

Entering/Uploading Meters into the Logbook

Entering manually—There is no limitation on when results can be entered. Results completed outside of the current season can be entered.

Uploading via ErgData iOS—There is no limitation on when results can be synced/uploaded. Results completed outside of the current season can be synced/uploaded.

Uploading via ErgData Android—The current production release of ErgData for Android will only sync/upload results for the logbook and ranking season in which the results were completed, so after April 30, you will not be able to sync results done prior to the 2017 Logbook and Ranking Year. The next release of ErgData for Android, in Beta development and due out soon, will have no limitation on when results can be synced.

Uploading via the Concept2 Utility—The current release of the Concept2 Utility will only upload results for the logbook and ranking season in which the results were completed, so after April 30, you will not be able to upload results done prior to the 2017 Logbook and Ranking Year. The next release of the Concept2 Utility will have no limitation on when results can be uploaded.

If you have any questions or feedback, please contact us.