Welcome to the new Logbook!

November 19, 2015

If you've been a long time user of the Logbook, you may notice a few changes around here.

For the last few months, we've been rebuilding the Concept2 Online Logbook from the ground up to give you a better and more updated experience.

The new version of the Logbook will include a number of new features, including:

  • Responsive design, so it will work much better on mobile and tablets
  • The ability to upload results outside the current ranking year
  • Improved options for filtering the ranking (including verified results only)
  • An easier way to add training partners and view their results
  • An easier way to join an affiliation
  • A better profile page
  • A better history page, including lifetime bests
  • Improved privacy options and security

If you spot any issues, especially relating to your workouts and things like teams etc, then please let us know via the contact page. Don't worry—we have a backup of all the old data if you need it.

This isn't the end of the journey—going forward we have lots of ideas on how to improve things. Look for new versions of ErgData and the Concept2 Utility in the next few months that will be able to send across more data to the new Logbook; social media sharing; better handling of past challenges; integration with third-party sites, and much more!

If you have any suggestions or feedback, we'd love to hear them.