Wes Cash


Date Distance Time Pace Comments Action
09/22/18 10,000m 42:33.5 2:07.6

5 2ks, negative splits, 2 minute breaks after 2ks

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09/22/18 1,000m 4:42.1 2:21.0

Cool down after 10k meters

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09/20/18 3,900m 15:00.0 1:55.3

Rowed 6 sets of 650- partner wod

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09/19/18 1,020m 2:35.1 1:16.0

Cool down after biathlon

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09/19/18 10,000m 43:54.4 2:11.7

1st leg of biathlon (very slow 5k run followed)

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09/18/18 4,350m 16:46.4 1:55.6

Intervals w/ negative splits 1500, 1000, 750, 500, 300, 200, 100

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09/18/18 2,006m 8:49.5 2:11.9 View workout
09/17/18 5,500m 22:19.3 2:01.7

500 m intervals, rest 1 min, start at 2:10, negative split by at least 2 seconds

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09/16/18 5,000m 20:00.8 2:00.0 View workout
09/16/18 310m 1:23.3 2:14.3

Warmup- guess I will log- as Jared says- #everymetercounts

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09/15/18 10,000m 43:50.7 2:11.5

Previous longest distance 5k- doubled that today! Not great, but I survived!

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