Matteo Mladenic


Date Distance Time Pace Comments Action
01/22/24 12,000m 52:41.7 2:11.7

Feeling a bit better

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01/21/24 20,000m 1:25:59.5 2:08.9

Big man ting, it’s not looking good bruv

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01/20/24 20,451m 1:30:00.0 2:12.0 View workout
01/16/24 5,607m 21:00.0 1:52.3

Did them a bit harder than my usual UT1 efforts to make it worth my time with how short the pieces are

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01/15/24 14,831m 1:05:00.0 2:11.4

You’d think I haven’t trained over Christmas how quickly I lose fitness

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01/06/24 13,879m 1:00:00.0 2:09.6

Ignoring splits rn and going for good quality UT2

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01/05/24 12,000m 51:31.1 2:08.7 View workout
01/04/24 13,954m 1:00:00.0 2:08.9

need to get back to trimming my splits

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01/02/24 13,422m 1:00:00.0 2:14.1

Had to break it up to avoid rain
I hated this

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12/28/23 9,141m 36:00.0 1:58.1

Bro what

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12/25/23 13,984m 1:00:00.0 2:08.7

The amount of sweat for 142 average HR is criminal

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12/21/23 14,035m 1:00:00.0 2:08.2

New erg spot

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12/18/23 10,000m 41:55.9 2:05.7

No time with deadlines and a flight to catch

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12/14/23 21,305m 1:30:00.0 2:06.7 View workout
12/13/23 8,248m 30:00.0 1:49.1

Should be more in me without this damn cough

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12/12/23 20,000m 1:24:29.6 2:06.7

Is this… gains from 5hrs of erging?

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12/11/23 15,062m 1:00:00.0 1:59.5

A bit of send

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12/11/23 27,695m 2:00:00.0 2:09.9

Much more pleasant

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12/10/23 27,555m 2:00:05.0 2:10.7

Like erging in a sauna

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12/09/23 21,572m 1:30:00.0 2:05.1

1:55s all the way down to 1:49s

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