Mark Wertheimer


Date Distance Time Pace Comments Action
01/27/07 7,175m 30:00.0 2:05.4 View workout
05/27/06 7,390m 30:00.0 2:01.7 View workout
05/23/06 7,304m 30:00.0 2:03.2 View workout
05/19/06 7,076m 30:00.0 2:07.1

Problem with seat, had to stop & adj. with 5min remaining. Clock continued to run. Resummed and finished.

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05/17/06 7,092m 30:00.0 2:06.9 View workout
05/15/06 7,032m 30:00.0 2:07.9

First day back from Nigeria

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04/01/05 2,000m 8:00.0 2:00.0 View workout
04/01/05 5,000m 19:58.3 1:59.8 View workout
03/25/05 5,000m 20:15.8 2:01.5 View workout
01/07/05 5,000m 20:46.9 2:04.6

no heart monitor

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02/12/04 5,000m 20:46.6 2:04.6 View workout
02/10/04 5,000m 21:00.0 2:06.0 View workout