Jared Nelson


Date Distance Time Pace Comments Action
09/14/24 4,352m 15:00.0 1:43.4 View workout
09/14/24 1,438m 6:10.3 2:08.7 View workout
09/13/24 6,000m 22:45.5 1:53.7

felt much stronger than last session, couldn't keep rating down. endurance takes long to build.

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09/13/24 2,024m 8:18.1 2:03.0 View workout
09/11/24 343m 1:20.7 1:57.6 View workout
09/11/24 4,924m 19:00.0 1:55.7

felt very fatigued throughout the workout. popped in the last 20 seconds of the last piece. need to work on fitness.

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09/11/24 446m 1:35.7 1:47.2 View workout
09/10/24 5,162m 20:00.0 1:56.2 View workout
09/10/24 1,029m 3:58.5 1:55.8 View workout
09/09/24 1,777m 5:59.8 1:41.2

didn't hold until pieces were finished. Need to work on mindset. for starting workout not bad.

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09/08/24 752m 2:52.2 1:54.4 View workout
09/08/24 1,028m 4:01.7 1:57.5 View workout
09/08/24 355m 1:23.0 1:56.9 View workout