Keith Thompson


Date Distance Time Pace Comments Action
08/09/22 10,000m

went harder than SS planned 1:53.9/22

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08/07/22 15,000m View workout
07/30/22 10,000m View workout
07/28/22 12,000m


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07/26/22 5,000m

short burst mixed with easy row (didnt have much time)

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07/24/22 18,000m

super easy SS 2:07/19

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07/23/22 12,000m

wu/cd and 1:30 on/:30 off intervals

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07/21/22 12,000m


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07/19/22 10,000m

wu/cd and short intervals

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07/17/22 15,000m

super slow to keep HR down - longer rows still off - 2:07/20

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07/16/22 12,000m

wu/cd and short intervals (CTC)

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07/14/22 10,000m


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07/12/22 10,000m


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07/10/22 15,000m

shorter SS than most Sundays

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07/09/22 10,000m

w/u and c/d - intervals in a CF workout

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07/07/22 10,000m


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07/05/22 10,000m

hard but not all out at just under 1:52 pace

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07/03/22 18,000m

capped HR at 140 (covered time/pace on monitor) - pace was slow at 2:06 and felt easy but that was the point

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07/02/22 12,450m

wu/cd and 20x1'on/1'off

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06/30/22 30,000m

easy bike

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