Keith Thompson


Date Distance Time Pace Comments Action
06/26/22 18,000m

slow SS - HR was a little better but still had to go slower than in past to keep at cap - 2:06/19

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06/25/22 10,632m

wu/cd and cal intervals in a CF workout

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06/23/22 32,000m

elbow hurting so did bike

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06/21/22 8,888m

3k wu/3k cd....10x :50 on/:30 off at 1:36.5 pace

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06/19/22 18,000m

slows SS to keep HR down - 2:08/19

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06/18/22 6,000m

warmup and cooldown with a CF workout

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06/16/22 10,000m

easy ss

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06/14/22 9,722m

wu/cd and 2 round of 6x:50 seconds on/:30 seconds off at 1:36.7 pace - was supposed to be 3 sets but stopped as I was struggling

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06/12/22 18,000m

2:05/20 HR high at slow pace...............way off normal

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06/11/22 10,732m

wu/cd and 1'on/1'off intervals - slower and fewer than recent one - didnt feel great

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06/07/22 10,000m

2:05/20 - decided not to do the planned interval session as I may try 5K TT Thursday

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06/05/22 24,000m

2:05/20 - started faster and went a little slower every 3K (2:01-2:09)

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06/04/22 7,242m

wu/cd - calorie intervals in a CF workout

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06/02/22 10,000m


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05/29/22 15,000m

easy SS before Murph on Memorial Day

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05/26/22 10,000m

wu/cd - 500m intervals in a CF workout

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05/25/22 10,000m

easy ss 2:05/20 - just missed perfect OCD row

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05/22/22 24,000m

easy SS - capped HR (140) but had to go slower to do so

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05/21/22 7,234m

wu and then cal intervals in a CF workout and

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05/19/22 10,000m

2;05/20 - easy ss

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