Keith Thompson


Date Distance Time Pace Comments Action
05/31/21 10,000m


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05/27/21 10,000m


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05/26/21 9,104m

8K total wu/cd...CTC of 3:20 max meters, got 1104 (1:30.5 pace) - happy with score

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05/24/21 10,000m


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05/23/21 20,000m

2:05/19.....felt really sluggish after hard CF workout Sat.

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05/20/21 11,000m


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05/19/21 10,000m

3k wu/3k cd 8x500 2'R

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05/18/21 10,000m


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05/17/21 20,000m

2:04/20....gradual positive split to keep HR down but HR monitor not working correctly

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05/13/21 12,207m

1:59/20 - 12,207 to hit 5MM

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05/12/21 10,000m

3k wu/4k cd.....6x500m 2'R

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05/11/21 10,000m


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05/09/21 21,097m

2:03/19.....kept HR 130-140

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05/06/21 10,000m


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05/05/21 9,000m

3Kwu and cd - 6x500 2'R (1:36 pace) - felt harder than expected

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05/04/21 10,000m


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05/03/21 21,097m

was going to just do 10K as a recovery row but felt OK so did a HM - 2:05/20

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05/01/21 42,195m 2:45:41.1 1:57.7

PB by over 2 minutes, was miserable but fought thru

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04/29/21 10,000m

Easy row, last on e before FM

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04/27/21 10,470m

easy SS to get within 10K of 2.4mm for year -will do 10K easy on Thursday as final taper row before FM on May 1.

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