Keith Thompson


Date Distance Time Pace Comments Action
07/05/21 21,188m

90 minute at super easy SS

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07/01/21 10,000m


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06/30/21 10,000m


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06/29/21 9,200m

3k warmup - 1200m just below planned 2K pace (plan 1:37, did 1:36.8) - felt decent, seemed hard but when done I wasn't crushed - 5K…

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06/27/21 21,097m

2:06/19 - went slower trying to keep HR down - it still drifted higher than planned

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06/23/21 10,000m

was supposed to be a hard workout but did an SS as I was feeling bad after 2nd COVID shot

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06/21/21 5,000m

alternated 500m intervals at easy pace with bench press/chest exercises - felt sore and beat up today

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06/20/21 21,000m

2:05/20.....HR rate high for a slow pace again

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06/19/21 6,000m

2K WU/2K CD....8x250m within a CF workout, alternating between Bar MUs and a clean, squat, press overhead weights was a tough workout

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06/17/21 10,000m


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06/16/21 9,600m

1200m intervals with no rest alternating between SS pace and moderate/hard pace - felt terrible today

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06/14/21 10,000m

1:58/21....alternating 500m at 2:05 and progressively faster

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06/13/21 20,000m

slowest row pace ever (2:07) on purpose trying to keep HR low - 19SPM

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06/10/21 10,000m

2:05/20 - back tight from TOC

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06/09/21 8,178m

w/u and c/d and TOC of 10x100 1'R

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06/07/21 9,000m

1k w/u and 3k c/d.....10x500m alternating with flat/incline/decline bench

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06/06/21 21,097m

2:05/19...HR drifted quite a bit but felt fine

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06/03/21 10,000m

1:58/21...little faster than typical SS, felt fine

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06/01/21 11,000m

wu/cd - various intervals

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05/31/21 10,000m


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