Keith Thompson


Date Distance Time Pace Comments Action
09/21/21 5,000m

first row since COVID - 1:58ish pace

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09/12/21 21,632m

pyramid of 10 minutes at 2:01, 2:02......2:09 - average pace was 2:04.9 - HR was way higher than anticpated

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09/11/21 9,111m

9/11 tribute workout of 2001m (at 2:00.1 pace), 4 sets of 911m ( 4 planes), 2296m (lives lost that day - all with 1'R which equaled…

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09/08/21 10,000m


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09/06/21 10,000m

2:05/20 - varied each 1k but aimed to hit exactly 2:05 each one

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09/05/21 21,097m

Easy SS keeping HR under 140...2:06 overall pace, 19 SPM

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09/04/21 8,000m

2k wu/2k cd.....250,500,750,1000,750,500,250 pyramid with 1' R....tough workout with the shorter rest

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09/02/21 10,000m


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08/31/21 10,000m

1:52 pace - felt like going faster than SS today - did 8100 in 30 minutes and then kept overall pace under 1:52 - felt pretty good

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08/30/21 12,500m

5 k wu and 5k cd - CTS challenge in

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08/26/21 14,000m

2:00/20 - meters for challemnge

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08/24/21 10,000m


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08/22/21 16,000m

8x2K 5'R.....first 2 as warmup, last two as cool down - middle 4 were two under 7:00 and 2 under 7:10-vplanned on nall sub 7:00 but…

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08/19/21 10,000m


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08/18/21 11,000m

2k wu/5k cd...… hard 2K just under 7:00 2'R, then 4x500 2'R at 1:37 pace - still don't feel well but was able…

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08/17/21 10,000m

2:05/20 - felt OK but cold still not feeling 100%

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08/15/21 10,000m

easy SS after a few days off - fighting a cold

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08/11/21 10,000m

wu/cd and 500m intervals - wasn't feeling the best (cold/allergies) so not a very intense effort

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08/10/21 11,000m

2:04/20 - felt easy today

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08/08/21 21,097m

2:04/19 - HR 137-142 - felt easier than HR showed

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