Keith Thompson


Date Distance Time Pace Comments Action
01/05/22 10,000m

3k wu/5k cd - 8x250 1'R at 1:29.2 avg, pace

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01/02/22 21,097m

2:03/20 - HR remained under 140 - more normal

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12/31/21 10,000m


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12/30/21 6,000m

wu/cd - intervals in a CF workout

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12/28/21 10,000m


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12/26/21 15,000m


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12/24/21 15,000m

2:05/20 extra meters for gym challenge

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12/22/21 15,000m


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12/21/21 15,000m

wu/cd - intervals including CTC

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12/19/21 22,195m

2:05/19...odd number to hit 22K for gym challenge

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12/18/21 16,003m 1:00:00.0 1:52.4

wanted to do a hard hour - goal was 16K, fell off pace a little but then closed hard to hit the 16k

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12/16/21 10,000m


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12/14/21 10,732m

2k wu/2k cd - 20 x 1'on/1' off - avg. pace 1:36.5

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12/12/21 17,000m

2:05/19, HR under 140

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12/11/21 13,000m

hard 30 minutes then ss pace - over 8200 in 30 minute sedtion

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12/09/21 10,000m


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12/07/21 12,257m

2k warmup, 5x3:30 2'R, 24 SPM - 5k cooldown

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12/05/21 22,000m

2:05/20 - standard SS felt pretty easy

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12/04/21 10,497m

wu/cd - intervals in a CF workout.....additional meters later

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12/02/21 10,000m

1K intervals with no rest - gradually faster then gradually slower - one hardish (1:38 pace) in the middle - was harder than it should be…

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