Keith Thompson


Date Distance Time Pace Comments Action
02/05/22 7,500m

wu/cd and intervals in a CF workout

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02/03/22 10,000m


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02/01/22 7,500m

3k wu/3k cd..........500/400/300/200/100 1'R - 1:29.2 pace (all under 1:30)

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01/30/22 20,000m

2:05/20 - easy SS, HR remained under 1:35

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01/29/22 6,000m

Squeezed in some meters after a CF workout

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01/29/22 6,000m

Intervals in a CF workout

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01/27/22 10,000m


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01/25/22 1,000m 2:59.1 1:29.5

Did a 1K TT to see where I was as I train for WRISC and try to defend title - considering legs weren't fresh after a hard workout Sa…

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01/25/22 10,000m

wu/cd and various intervals after 1K TT

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01/23/22 20,000m


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01/22/22 8,000m

wu/cd -intervals in a CF workout and a harder 2K after the CF WOD

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01/20/22 10,000m

2:05/20 - was supposed to be easy but felt extra easy today

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01/18/22 10,000m

4k wu/4k cd - 6x333 1'R, 3 at sub 1:30, 3 at sub 1:35

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01/16/22 18,000m


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01/15/22 12,000m

wu/cd and 3x2K

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01/13/22 15,000m


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01/11/22 9,500m

3 wu/4k cd - 10x250 1'R at 1:28.9 pace, best short interval workout in a long time

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01/09/22 22,000m

2:01/20 - HR stayed just under 140 - back to normal

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01/08/22 5,000m

wu/cd - intervals in a CF workout

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01/07/22 10,000m

2:05/19 - very easy

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