Robert M.L. Snapper


Date Distance Time Pace Comments Action
05/31/13 7,895m 30:00.0 1:53.9

Split time 10.000m

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05/31/13 6,000m 22:47.0 1:53.9

Split time 10.000m

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05/31/13 5,000m 18:58.0 1:53.8

Split time 10.000m

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05/31/13 5,000m 18:58.0 1:53.8

Split time 10.000m

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05/31/13 5,000m 18:58.0 1:53.8

Split time 10K

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05/31/13 2,007m 8:00.0 1:59.5

4min WU in 1:57,0
4min CD in 2:02,7
In between CTC = 5555m. on line.

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05/31/13 5,000m 20:13.6 2:01.3

2500WU in 1:57,0
2500CD in 2:05,6
In between 1:53,96

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05/31/13 5,555m 21:34.2 1:56.4 View workout
05/31/13 10,000m 37:59.2 1:53.9 View workout
05/30/13 14,804m 1:00:00.0 2:01.5 View workout
05/29/13 21,097m 1:26:31.7 2:03.0 View workout
05/28/13 7,399m 30:00.0 2:01.6 View workout
05/28/13 2,000m 7:59.5 1:59.8

1000mWU in 1:56,5 r4 QMInterval 1:59-1:55 r4 CD in 2:03,2

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05/28/13 10,549m 40:50.6 1:56.1 View workout
05/27/13 2,000m 7:27.3 1:51.8 View workout
05/27/13 15,048m 1:00:00.0 1:59.6 View workout
05/26/13 20,741m 1:22:51.2 1:59.8 View workout
05/25/13 500m 1:39.0 1:39.0 View workout
05/25/13 3,965m 16:00.0 2:01.0

My monthly STEP Test of 4x4:00r:0:30 at 160-185-210-235 Watt followed by 500m. in 1:39 and 60min.Hr140 in 2:01,8

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05/25/13 14,775m 1:00:00.0 2:01.8 View workout