Tom Forsyth


Date Distance Time Pace Comments Action
06/27/24 2,000m 7:24.8 1:51.2

Good pace, good push. Back/side maybe hurting a bit less?

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06/20/24 2,000m 7:30.8 1:52.7

Don't remember

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06/01/24 2,000m 7:30.9 1:52.7

Don't remember

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05/26/24 2,000m 7:32.6 1:53.1

Back/right hip still hurts after holiday.

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05/01/24 2,000m 7:49.4 1:57.3

Back/right hip still hurts. Took a break for racing tour. Just supercruised it.

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03/30/24 2,000m 7:35.3 1:53.8

Back still hurts! Good pace, good push, very good wind-up

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03/16/24 2,000m 7:41.4 1:55.3

Back still twinges! And now my right knee hurts. So just supercruised and then wound up for last 250m

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03/02/24 2,000m 7:37.8 1:54.4

Giving the back a rest. Did twinge, but not enough to affect pace. Good pace, but ran out of puff - last 200 was tough

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01/16/24 2,000m 8:09.1 2:02.2

Started well, but right back muscles started pain after 500m, so cruised the distance.

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01/08/24 2,000m 7:25.6 1:51.4

There we go! Good pacing, nice push, wind home from 400m

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01/02/24 2,000m 7:33.7 1:53.4

Feeling better. Good cruise, no push, good wind-up from 400m

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12/28/23 2,000m 7:43.6 1:55.9

Sore ribs from leaf raking (shut up!), so just cruised it. Good 500m wind-up.

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12/12/23 2,000m 7:30.3 1:52.5

Meh main, but good pacing. Nice wind-up.

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12/08/23 2,000m 7:35.8 1:53.9

Meh. Cruised. Good wind-up though.

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11/30/23 2,000m 7:28.8 1:52.2

Soft in the middle, decent ending.

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11/24/23 2,000m 7:28.0 1:52.0

Very good pacing.

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11/16/23 2,000m 7:30.3 1:52.5

Good pacing, but again felt very average.

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11/06/23 2,000m 7:29.0 1:52.2

Good pace, but felt very average.

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10/17/23 2,000m 7:40.9 1:55.2

Felt meh, just did the distance, but decent wind-up from 500

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10/12/23 2,000m 7:28.7 1:52.1

Good push 1250->1000, then good wind home from 500

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