Tom Forsyth


Date Distance Time Pace Comments Action
02/10/23 2,000m 7:23.9 1:50.9

Slightly hard - did first 1000m at 1:50 pace! Softened after, good wind-up.

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01/23/23 2,000m 7:24.1 1:51.0

Great pacing, push at 1250, good wind-up going + 1 at 400, 300, 200, 100

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01/14/23 2,000m 7:35.4 1:53.8

Feeling meh. Steady cruise.

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01/09/23 2,000m 7:38.1 1:54.5

Just supercruised the first 1500, wound up well for the last 500

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12/15/22 2,000m 7:25.7 1:51.4

Very good pacing. Tried to emphasize the lower back during supercruise, not the arms or legs.

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12/09/22 2,000m 7:27.3 1:51.8

Good pacing.

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12/01/22 2,000m 7:29.0 1:52.2

Wrist better! Cruised the first 500 at 26, then tried to raise rate to 28 by spinning hands, without going faster. In fact went slower.

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11/25/22 2,000m 7:33.8 1:53.4

Wrist hurts a little, so just supercruised until last 500m

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10/30/22 2,000m 7:33.6 1:53.4

Good pacing, but no puff. Last 600m was very hard work just to supercruise.

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10/22/22 2,000m 7:29.9 1:52.4

Not feeling it. Last 250m was very painful on the thighs.

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10/10/22 2,000m 7:21.9 1:50.4

Perfect conditions, good push.

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10/05/22 2,000m 7:23.6 1:50.9

Cooler weather, but a bit slow. Slightly too hard on the push?

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09/29/22 2,000m 7:22.0 1:50.5

Rib all better, a bit hot.

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09/16/22 2,000m 7:21.7 1:50.4

Rib STILL hurts, but less. Didn't affect time, clearly.

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09/13/22 2,000m 7:39.9 1:54.9

Rib still hurts. Supercruised until 500m

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09/05/22 2,000m 7:46.2 1:56.5

Bruised rib from karting. Just supercruised until the last 250m

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08/26/22 2,000m 7:27.0 1:51.7

Cooler! Great pace. 1:53 most of the way, 1:50 push @1300, wind up at 400m to go.

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08/22/22 2,000m 7:35.1 1:53.7

Too hot and a bruised rib, just cruised the first 1500 then wound it up.

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08/08/22 2,000m 7:32.4 1:53.1

Too hot, just cruised the first 1500 then wound it up to a sub 1:40

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07/05/22 2,000m 7:19.4 1:49.8

Good pace, not as hot, good push 1250->1000

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