Michiel Oosterhagen


Date Distance Time Pace Comments Action
06/08/12 10,000m 40:28.8 2:01.4 View workout
06/07/12 4,000m 15:57.9 1:59.7 View workout
06/05/12 1,000m 3:58.8 1:59.4 View workout
06/05/12 4,000m 15:38.6 1:57.3 View workout
06/04/12 5,000m 18:54.7 1:53.4

500fast, 1000 easy, 500 fast, 1500 easy, 10 strokes fast, surviving, last 50 strokes went all the way...

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06/02/12 10,000m 39:21.6 1:58.0

1:55 till 5k, after that became disrupted by ear (stuck) and Bo. Results after 6k were mediocre till bad. Next time: sta

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06/01/12 5,000m 19:06.3 1:54.6 View workout
05/30/12 5,000m 19:38.9 1:57.8 View workout
05/27/12 1,000m 4:29.1 2:14.5 View workout
05/27/12 6,000m 23:41.6 1:58.4 View workout
05/25/12 1,000m 4:16.1 2:08.0 View workout
05/25/12 6,000m 23:16.0 1:56.3 View workout
05/23/12 4,000m 16:38.4 2:04.8 View workout
05/21/12 5,000m 19:16.6 1:55.6 View workout
05/20/12 1,000m 4:33.2 2:16.6

Uitroeien na 5k

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05/20/12 5,000m 19:35.5 1:57.5

Just a 5k tried to maintain pace to 2.5k and decided halfway to push it somewhat. Mowed the lawn before training ...

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05/12/12 4,000m 15:35.1 1:56.8 View workout
05/11/12 4,000m 17:53.2 2:14.1 View workout
05/08/12 4,000m 24:23.0 3:02.8

Door Finn gestoord en PC herstart, vandaar de lage 500m tijd

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05/07/12 5,000m 21:00.0 2:06.0

Back from Denmark, first row of the new season. HR peaked at 145 but generally kept it within limits (HRmax134)

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