Keith Thompson


Date Distance Time Pace Comments Action
04/09/20 8,000m

SS pace

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04/07/20 5,000m 17:47.2 1:46.7

Hard but not all out - felt pretty good after a hard training weekend

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04/05/20 25,000m 1:38:49.0 1:58.5

longest continuous row - kept moderate pace, was very draining

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04/04/20 10,000m

1K wu and cooldown - 4 x2k - sub 1:44, sub 1:46, sub 1:48, sub 1:50

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03/31/20 34,017m

various sprints I no power today

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03/29/20 16,000m

planned SS row - went a little faster tan planned at 1:55 - SPM of 20

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03/28/20 10,000m

first row in while - felt hard but did OK

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03/26/20 16,000m View workout
03/23/20 16,000m

using bike while resting pec strain/tear

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03/19/20 4,000m

1k wu and cd - 8 x250 1'R 1:29.7 pace

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03/17/20 5,000m

easy pace, recovery row (legs sore from squats on Monday)

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03/15/20 15,857m 1:00:00.0 1:53.5

Good solid pace but not an all out effort - felt better than expected

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03/10/20 5,000m

easy/moderate pace (1:53)

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03/08/20 10,000m

Moderate pace

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03/05/20 1,000m 3:00.3 1:30.1

Fist time over 3:00 in last 6 1K tests, wasn't feeling 100% and messed up race plan with a fly and die.

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03/05/20 3,000m

Warm-up, cooldown

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03/03/20 5,000m

Moderate pace (1:54), planning for 1KTT Thursday

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03/01/20 8,500m

1K warm-up, 10x250 (1:29.8), 5K (1:54)

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02/29/20 4,000m

Intervals in a CF workout

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02/26/20 2,500m

sprint intervals in a CF workout - plus warmup

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