Matteo Mladenic


Date Distance Time Pace Comments Action
03/28/22 2,250m 7:27.7 1:39.4

3 x 750m (45s rest)
2k pace (or slightly slower)
going for sub6:40
regatta season here I come

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03/24/22 4,303m 16:00.0 1:51.5

4x4’ (4’ rest)
AT work
heart rate monitor didn’t start working until second piece

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03/21/22 8,122m 30:00.0 1:50.8

ready for HoRR

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03/17/22 8,000m 28:19.9 1:46.2

4 x 2k (4’ rest)
1k@26, 750m@28, 250m free rate
that’s a lot of damage

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03/16/22 14,130m 1:00:00.0 2:07.3

3x20’ ss
lacking sleep

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03/15/22 22,000m 1:34:27.8 2:08.8

7k, 6k, 5k, 4k ss
not enough volume

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03/14/22 8,033m 30:00.0 1:52.0

back on the 8k mark 💪

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03/10/22 21,110m 1:30:00.0 2:07.9

30' 25' 20' 15' ss
volume merchant

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03/09/22 17,679m 1:15:00.0 2:07.2

30’ 25’ 20’ ss
you know the drill
the novi women hijacked the speaker halfway through
all my homies hate th…

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03/08/22 5,000m 17:44.9 1:46.4

PB - long awaited redemption arc
underestimated my progress a bit and saw a 1:30 in the last 100m
the memory showed a 17:45.0 but…

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03/04/22 6,734m 24:00.0 1:46.9

6 x 4' (2' rest)
thought it was gonna be a lot worse from how the first two pieces felt but turned o…

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03/02/22 14,193m 1:00:00.0 2:06.8

3 x 20' ss
the dark side of the force is a pathway to many abilities some consider to be unnatural

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03/01/22 20,858m 1:30:00.0 2:09.4

30', 25', 20', 15' ss
HR is wrong for the first piece

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02/28/22 7,926m 30:00.0 1:53.5

feeling rebellious going off the training programme
good to be making progress again however slow

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02/24/22 12,000m 50:24.0 2:06.0

3 x 8' UT1 within 12k UT2
8' @ 22/24/26/28
4' UT2 followed by 8' UT1 times 3, remainder of 12k UT2
UT1 wa…

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02/23/22 18,000m 1:18:34.5 2:10.9

improved split + much lower HR - that half-hour can suck it
I don't think I saw 150s on the HR once so I'm gonna shoot for…

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02/22/22 7,870m 30:00.0 1:54.3

this new programme structure is ridiculous
there was nothing in the legs
I haven't gone this slow since october...…

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02/20/22 6,000m 21:07.9 1:45.6

3 x 2k (5' rest)
@ 24, 26, 28
not that much faster than the 3 x 2.5k that I did over Christmas - a bit worrying

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02/17/22 13,739m 1:00:00.0 2:11.0

3 x 20' ss

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02/16/22 5,000m 17:43.1 1:46.3

5 x 1k (1' rest)
rate 26
nice and strong finish
anything for two temple 8's

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