Robert M.L. Snapper


Date Distance Time Pace Comments Action
12/31/16 7,522m 31:00.0 2:03.6

Last session of the X´-Mas Challenge.
31 splits with lineair HR increase +1
To be expected slow first half picking it up i…

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12/31/16 5,000m 19:27.7 1:56.7

TT 5k for IRL. Started a bit too fast. In general a messy Row. Anyway predicted time was 19:35. Managed 19:27,7 but that was quite a bit…

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12/31/16 3,974m 20:00.0 2:30.9

Monthly Step Test 4x4min r 0:30 Capped Watt Rate 160-185-210-235 HR not too bad.

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12/30/16 7,593m 30:00.0 1:58.5

30´TEST as part of XC. Confident that it could go under 2:00. Season best was 7568. Managed to my surprise to improve on that one.…

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12/30/16 3,763m 15:00.0 1:59.5

Last 2 days of the year and they are testing days.
15´WU with Capped HR 140. Dived under 2:00

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12/29/16 7,181m 29:00.0 2:01.1

Controlled 29' starting at HR 128 and lineair +1 till HR 156. Very easy. Tomorrow should be kind of 30´test. Should be possibl…

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12/29/16 3,711m 15:00.0 2:01.2

Things are going relatively easy at the moment. Back to total control, despite the lower Pace (so be it). 15´WU@HR 133

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12/28/16 6,916m 28:00.0 2:01.4

Lack of time. WU is also the session. 28´with Capped HR 140. Okish

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12/27/16 6,596m 27:00.0 2:02.8

Easy session,,,starting at HR 128 and 27 splits HR +1.
However pace drops compared to previous days.

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12/27/16 14,065m 58:42.5 2:05.2

Repeat of last years session TM@ Capped HR133.
Not too bad in the beginning but pace dropped quite a bit. In fact first 27minutes fas…

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12/26/16 6,386m 26:00.0 2:02.1

Taking things easier now for XC. Same set-up as yesterday. Startingat HR 128 and from there on +1 for 26 minutes. Okish.

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12/26/16 7,349m 30:00.0 2:02.4

30' WU at Capped HR 140. Slow start, better at the end. Target over 7500m. on 30-12

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12/25/16 6,156m 25:00.0 2:01.8

Holy spirit gone after mission accomplished yesterday. No real targets anymore. Just trying to feel good. Opted for 25 splits lineair inc…

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12/25/16 5,824m 24:00.0 2:03.6

Catching up with missed XC 24´
This after FM of yesterday. Opted for lineair increase from HR 117-140 (+1)

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12/24/16 42,195m 2:58:12.0 2:06.6

OK that is what is was all about the last 7 weeks. Sub 3 Marathon. HRV 8 Perfect conditions. Started with pace around 2:04,0. First hour…

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12/23/16 16,706m 1:09:00.0 2:03.9

Integrated 23´in this last LT session before FM.
Not spectacular but OKish. HR target 133-149-140

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12/22/16 5,572m 22:00.0 1:58.4 View workout
12/22/16 7,339m 30:00.0 2:02.6

Tapering off session 30´HR 133

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12/21/16 5,331m 21:00.0 1:58.1

Things are improving although it is getting tuffer every day to sit and do 1´more. HR is decreasing especially in the beginning.

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12/21/16 14,554m 1:00:00.0 2:03.6

Things are improving and so is the weather (coldish)
Last week 14.382m. and last year same day 14.652m.

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