Steve Schwarz


Date Distance Time Pace Comments Action
01/28/12 20,000m 1:23:50.2 2:05.7

Good row today. Very beat up after 2nd 10K. Welcome day of rest tomorrow. The end of the challenge is in sight.

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01/27/12 20,000m 1:23:50.8 2:05.7

Very strong, consistent row today. Kinda got lost in the music. Great rythmn from start to finish.

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01/25/12 20,000m 1:23:55.4 2:05.8

VERT tight to start today. 15 min mark, smoothed out nicely. Second 10K was excellent. Strong all the way.

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01/24/12 30,000m 2:07:58.6 2:07.9

Excellent consistency today. (3) 10Ks. 2:07,2:08,2:09 AVG/500M. Should be ready for tomorrow.

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01/22/12 20,000m 1:22:45.3 2:04.1

AWESOME row today. 2nd 10K under 41 minutes. EXCELLENT.

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01/21/12 20,000m 1:23:37.7 2:05.4

Very nice power today. I guess a day off helped!!
Both 10Ks under 42 minutes.

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01/19/12 20,000m 1:25:37.0 2:08.4

Felt good to begin, hung on for dear life at the end of the second 10K. Very fatigued. Quads like noodles.

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01/18/12 30,000m 2:06:58.4 2:06.9

First ever 30,000 day. Marathon is just around the corner. Very happy today. As a team around 85K today, AWESOME!!!

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01/16/12 20,000m 1:24:29.5 2:06.7

Good row today. Second 10K was a trial run for my 3, 10Ks on Wednesday. Felt real good, so excited to break new ground.

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01/15/12 20,000m 1:23:53.3 2:05.8

Another very good row. Physically feeling better after being sick for a while.

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01/13/12 20,000m 1:23:42.9 2:05.5

Excellent row today. Rowed with Mark for a while and then Nick showed. AWESOME number for the second 10,000M

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01/12/12 20,000m 1:24:28.3 2:06.7

Coming together after being a little sick. Very good time today for the twin 10,000s. New straps for the second machine.

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01/10/12 20,000m 1:24:44.3 2:07.1

WOW, felt real good today. Averted a machine crisis with a dead rechargeable. Put in 2 Ds and away we went. No time lost

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01/09/12 20,000m 1:24:53.7 2:07.3

Kinda sick. Not too bad though. Two days off over the weekend. Afetr 25 min mark things settled out and all was good.

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01/06/12 20,000m 1:24:57.6 2:07.4

Very fatigued today. But got my 20,000, that's good.

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01/05/12 20,000m 1:24:55.8 2:07.3

Another good row. We are off and really rowing for the challenge. Top 10 so far average per rower!!

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01/03/12 20,000m 1:24:34.4 2:06.8

Another good row. 40,000 for the challenge.

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01/02/12 20,000m 1:24:46.0 2:07.1

Let the challenge begin. Very satisfied with the dual 10,000s. 20,000/day here we come.

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12/31/11 10,000m 42:13.6 2:06.6

Awesome row today. Got sick a couple of days ago. Antibiotic taken, felt great. Sets up for challenge next week=300,000M

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12/28/11 10,000m 42:00.6 2:06.0

First after Christmas row. Hurt. But really needed this. prep for next weeks challenge.

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