Richard Miller


Date Distance Time Pace Comments Action
01/16/21 716m 4:14.0 2:57.3 View workout
01/15/21 705m 4:07.0 2:55.1 View workout
01/15/21 5,000m 32:40.5 3:16.0 View workout
01/14/21 500m 2:55.2 2:55.2 View workout
01/14/21 5,000m 30:57.9 3:05.7 View workout
01/13/21 772m 4:12.0 2:43.2 View workout
01/12/21 5,000m 30:16.9 3:01.6 View workout
01/11/21 5,000m 31:35.5 3:09.5

After 20 hour fast.

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01/10/21 5,000m 30:06.0 3:00.6 View workout
01/09/21 5,000m 31:15.0 3:07.5 View workout
01/08/21 3,762m 24:26.0 3:14.8

Keeping HR below 140 according to chest strap. No AFIB

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01/08/21 513m 2:47.0 2:42.7

Testing Garmin chest strap

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01/07/21 2,000m 11:54.9 2:58.7

HIIT Exercise induced afib

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01/06/21 3,000m 17:22.2 2:53.7

HIIT HR182 afib

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01/06/21 263m 1:16.0 2:24.4 View workout
01/05/21 3,505m 21:39.0 3:05.3

Fasted 20 hours. High heart rate 255 bpm.

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01/04/21 3,503m 21:12.0 3:01.5 View workout
01/03/21 3,000m 17:37.8 2:56.3

Last hour of a 20 hour fast

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01/02/21 3,000m 17:14.8 2:52.4 View workout
01/01/21 3,000m 18:17.0 3:02.8 View workout