Ian Logan


Date Distance Time Pace Comments Action
01/18/17 2,040m

10 x 40secs intervals
1.30 rest and 10x 40kg barbell squats in rest period.

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01/18/17 1,200m

Warm up row

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01/17/17 3,500m View workout
01/17/17 8,014m 34:43.0 2:09.9 View workout
01/08/17 5,217m 21:49.0 2:05.4

100 squats in sets of 5 x20 reps inbeteeen row

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01/07/17 10,114m 43:55.0 2:10.2

100 squats inbetween the rowing session

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01/06/17 7,515m 32:47.0 2:10.8 View workout
01/05/17 5,029m 21:58.0 2:11.0

First row since 15th Oct 2016

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10/15/16 6,666m 28:42.0 2:09.1 View workout
10/06/16 5,024m 21:40.0 2:09.3

Tired steady row

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10/03/16 4,500m

Warm up followed by 10 sets of 30:30r.....slight cool down row

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10/01/16 2,016m 9:03.0 2:14.6

Cool down row following 10,000m

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10/01/16 10,014m 40:27.0 2:01.1 View workout
09/30/16 5,011m 21:41.0 2:09.8 View workout
09/28/16 12,517m 51:46.0 2:04.0 View workout
09/27/16 10,529m 42:08.0 2:00.0

First row 4 days

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09/22/16 7,204m 30:05.0 2:05.2

First row for two days. Steady row

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09/19/16 2,019m 7:57.0 1:58.1

Getting closer to beating my Pb for 2000m. Steady 2000m ...Aiming for sub 7 eventually !!

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09/19/16 5,018m 20:47.0 2:04.2 View workout
09/18/16 1,452m 5:30.0 1:53.6

10 sets of 30secs sprints followed by 30 secs rest.
Distance covered 1452

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