Johan Nilsson


Date Distance Time Pace Comments Action
06/06/19 500m 1:14.9 1:14.9 View workout
06/02/19 500m 1:23.3 1:23.3

very painful. used my legs all the way. equal PB. My last PB I had straight legs most of the way.

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05/25/19 200m 0:28.4 1:11.0

PB. more fly and die this time. 59s/m.

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05/22/19 1,000m 3:23.5 1:41.7

Not much condition training last year, so this was a good start. My PB is 3:08.8 from 2016

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05/22/19 208m 0:30.0 1:12.1

PB. 56 s/m.

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05/22/19 200m 0:28.7 1:11.7

200m PB. 56 s/m

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05/18/19 368m 1:00.0 1:21.5

PB. 45s/m. good feeling all the way. even pace.

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05/10/19 100m 0:13.8 1:09.0

first pull 1:33. max 1:06. end 1:09. 65s/m.

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04/21/19 100m 0:13.8 1:09.0

Start: 1:32 PB, Max 1:06, ending 1:10.

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04/18/19 100m 0:13.8 1:09.0

65 s/m. first pull: 1:34. Max: 1:06. ending 1:10.

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03/24/19 100m 0:13.8 1:09.0

one week rest did good. first pull 1:37. Max speed 1:05. ending 1:08. 70s/m :-)

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03/14/19 100m 0:13.9 1:09.5

DF 235. Start 1:37. Maxspeed 1:06. Ending 1:10. This was better. But think Max dragfactor is even better. held 1:06 for a few pull :-)

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03/14/19 100m 0:14.0 1:10.0

Tested little lighter dragfactor. 211 instead of 255. first 2 strokes was faster: 1:35 and 1:21. Max speed was 1:06 but only one pull. en…

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03/12/19 100m 0:13.9 1:09.5

69 s/m. Maxspeed 1:06. end screen 1:10. compared 60 s/m with 69 s/m. think 65 s/m can be optimal for me.

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03/12/19 100m 0:14.0 1:10.0

60 s/m. maxspeed 1:07. ending 1:09. saw 13.9 but rounded up to 14 sec.

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03/10/19 100m 0:14.0 1:10.0 View workout
03/07/19 100m 0:13.9 1:09.5

69 s/m. 1:06 max speed. 1:10 end.

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03/03/19 100m 0:13.9 1:09.5

1:35 first pull, 1:07 max speed, 1:10 last pull. 65 s/m. PB

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02/28/19 100m 0:14.1 1:10.5

68 S/M. Max speed 1:07. lost a bit too much in the end. 15 days since comeback, so this is promising.

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04/24/18 100m 0:14.2 1:11.0 View workout