Johan Nilsson


Date Distance Time Pace Comments Action
11/18/19 500m 1:31.2 1:31.2

Felt good with some shorter distance to recover my body from all the tirering volume training. Right technique and power/stroke. Just nee…

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11/17/19 10,000m 43:45.4 2:11.2 View workout
11/16/19 4,976m 22:06.3 2:13.2

bonus. just ski

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11/16/19 6,000m 26:35.3 2:12.9

Felt really good today. Nice relaxing all the way. little tickling in my heart in a good way. Yesterday I went for a walk in the forest w…

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11/14/19 6,702m 30:00.0 2:14.2

Perfect feeling for a training session. felt good relaxing most of the time. little bit harder for my condition in the end, but not to ha…

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11/14/19 1,106m 4:00.0 1:48.4

negative split. But it was'nt good, because I got out of rythm ever time it was time to change speed. Better I go more on feeling…

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11/13/19 332m 1:17.8 1:57.1 View workout
11/13/19 5,000m 21:03.3 2:06.3

22 s/m. felt little better than 2km earlier today. Training for Tour de SkiErg in february. I hope to lose a lot of weight and get close…

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11/13/19 2,000m 7:38.6 1:54.6

28 S/M. felt little too hard to be training. goal was 1:55 and I did it.

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11/12/19 2,500m 9:09.6 1:49.9

CTC 1km, 750m, 500m, 250m.

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11/11/19 207m 0:30.0 1:12.4

60 s/m. Better than expected, because my maxspeed is only 1:08 currently (PB 1:05). and my condition is low. Started down to 1:09, then c…

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11/10/19 1,000m 3:29.5 1:44.7

No condition training since summer, so this felt hard. And I got sore throat and lungs afterwards. 30s/m. lowered my strokerate to save m…

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07/21/19 381m 1:00.0 1:18.7

straight legs today. I was surprised that it was faster. 60s/m. and it was also more painful.

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07/20/19 371m 1:00.0 1:20.8

PB. 46s/m. cruised on 1:19-1:20 pace in the beginning. after 30 sec it got hard. and in the end I pulled all I got, last pull 1:22. :-)

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07/03/19 5,000m 19:33.3 1:57.3

29s/m. DF 250. short strokes. felt good most of the way. was able to increase speed in the end :-)

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07/02/19 2,000m 7:13.8 1:48.4

36 s/m

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07/01/19 1,000m 3:20.4 1:40.2

Better than 2 month ago. tried to increase speed last 100m but could not. 36 s/m.

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07/01/19 211m 0:30.0 1:11.0

30 sek PB. 64 s/m. start 1:39, max 1:08, end 1:14.

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06/15/19 100m 0:13.7 1:08.5

PB. Start 1:37. max 1:06. end 1:09. 79 s/m. New technique with shorter strokes and higher strokerate.

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06/06/19 400m 0:58.8 1:13.5 View workout