Keith Thompson


Date Distance Time Pace Comments Action
08/18/19 15,000m

10k, 5 min rest then 5K - both at slow pace (1:55) - really tired from CF and Fire Truck Pull

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08/17/19 2,500m

Intervals in a CF WOD

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08/15/19 5,000m

quick SS - active recovery

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08/14/19 100m 0:15.6 1:18.0

Quick try at 100M after other work - could maybe go faster if fresher - pace was 1:16 but first couple pulls hurt average

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08/14/19 6,149m

did 2 intervals of the CTC challenge and wasn't feeling it do then just did some easy meters

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08/11/19 10,000m

SS at 1:54.5.....felt really hard for a SS session, legs tired from CF and morning river hike

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08/08/19 5,000m

Moderate pace - 1:53, felt OK

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08/06/19 3,000m

1k warm-up, 1k at the start and end of a CF workout

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08/04/19 11,000m

1k warm-up - 10K at moderate pace (1:53.8) but it felt
much harder - was still tired from Sat. workout

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07/31/19 1,500m

Interval sprints with DLs in a CF workout

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07/30/19 5,000m

Short SS at 1:55

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07/28/19 12,000m

5K at 1:49 pace, 2K at 1:48 pace, 5K at SS pace (5'R between)

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07/27/19 1,000m

Cal sprints in a CF workout

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07/24/19 4,000m

varied sprints - no real structure to workout

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07/21/19 10,000m 36:55:00.0 1:50:45.0

Hard but not all out effort - started conservative then went faster, think I had a PB in me had I planned and started with that in mind

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07/20/19 2,000m

sprint intervals in a CF workout

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07/18/19 6,000m

3 x 2K - planned on 4x2K but short on time - did not go too well - will do the 4x2K in next week

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07/16/19 5,000m

SS at 1:55

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07/14/19 12,000m

moderate 10K at a 1:54.5 pace - 2k cooldown

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07/13/19 2,000m

Short sprints in a CF workout

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