Keith Thompson


Date Distance Time Pace Comments Action
04/28/19 10,000m 37:29.0 1:52.4

Moderate/Hard 10K at 37:29

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04/27/19 2,000m

1 k warmup - 1k as past of WOD during a CF comp - didn't get exact time as it counted up

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04/25/19 5,000m

moderate ss

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04/23/19 2,972m

1k warmup/1k cooldown, then 5x:30 with 2 min rest for cals which equaled 972 m

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04/22/19 10,000m 37:16.9 1:51.8

Planned 90% effort - was closer to 95% effort - was pretty hard

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04/15/19 5,000m 18:54.0 1:53.4

Little quicker than SS session at 19 SPM

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04/14/19 8,334m

warm-up and then 4x30 cal intervals with 1 min r' to prepare for a CF comp with it, all 4 intervals under :56 - moderate 5k after at…

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04/10/19 4,000m 14:44.0 1:50.5

quick moderately paced row - short on time

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04/07/19 10,000m 37:27.0 1:52.3

Harder than SS but not super hard...felt decent - 21SPM

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04/04/19 5,000m

easier, short SS at 1:54 and 19 SPM

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04/02/19 5,000m 17:59.3 1:47.9

Hard but not all out 5K, finally felt a little better

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03/31/19 10,000m

5k, 3k, 2k 5 min rest - overall average of 1:49.2 and 22 SPM - really struggled

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03/27/19 5,000m

1:53 pace at 19 SPM - meant to go even easier but felt OK, cold/flu effects starting to fade

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03/25/19 10,000m

2 x 5000 3r - planned on a 10K test but still not feeling right - did 5K at 1:48.4 then second at 1:53.7

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03/21/19 3,000m

500m intervals mixed with box jumps and front squats in a CF workout - kept all rows in the mid 1:30s

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03/19/19 5,000m 18:12.0 1:49.2

Moderate/Hard pace - didn't push too hard, still not feeling 100%

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03/18/19 6,000m

Planned to do an pyramid interval workout but stopped halfway and then did some steady state - was first workout in a week since being si…

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03/10/19 1,000m 2:59.8 1:29.9

Tied PB at end of a CF workout.

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03/10/19 5,211m 20:00.0 1:55.1

SS after CF workout

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03/05/19 3,000m

250m hard, 250 moderate...6 continuous sets - quick but good workout

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