Keith Thompson


Date Distance Time Pace Comments Action
03/03/19 15,762m 1:00:00.0 1:54.1

Moderate pace (1:54) at 20 SPM

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02/24/19 2,000m 6:30.0 1:37.5

New PR of 6:29.9/6:30 at the WRIC!!!

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02/24/19 3,265m

slow warm-up for a couple minutes then 2K at 1:52 with power 10 every 500M overall 7:20 then some drill work

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02/22/19 6,000m

SS at 1:55 with 1:35-1:38 burst (1 minute) every 500

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02/21/19 4,000m

steady 1:50-1:55 with 1:37 burst every 4 minutes

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02/20/19 4,000m

steady 1:50-1:55 with 1:37 burst every 4 minutes

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02/18/19 3,000m 9:33.1 1:35.5

6x500 1r - overall pace 1:35.5 - faster than last time by .7 - did well

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02/18/19 3,000m

warm-up and cool-down

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02/17/19 8,127m 30:00.0 1:50.7

Harder paced 30 min but not all out

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02/16/19 6,000m

warm-up 2K, 2 moderate paced 2Ks after 90% 2K effort

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02/16/19 2,000m 6:39.6 1:39.9

90% of planned 2K effort - went well

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02/14/19 2,000m

some 250m intervals working on form at 2K pace

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02/14/19 3,000m

4x750 3r - overall pace 136.6

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02/13/19 2,000m


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02/13/19 4,000m

easy/short row at 1:54.9 and 19 SPM - fighting cold

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02/11/19 3,825m

:30 on :30 r - 15 rounds at 1:36 pace, 1 min rest and 1K at 1:36 pace, 500m cool-down

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02/09/19 1,000m 2:59.9 1:29.9

1K competition in Cleveland - happy to break 3:00 again - took all I had

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02/09/19 3,000m


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02/08/19 4,000m

easy row (1:55 pace) as active recovery

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02/07/19 1,000m 3:05.0 1:32.5

90% effort (based off watts) as a prep for 1K race on the 9th

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