Keith Thompson


Date Distance Time Pace Comments Action
09/16/19 8,002m 30:00.0 1:52.4

Moderate/hard pace at 20 SPM

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09/15/19 8,000m

Various intervals from 250 to 2K - moderate paced

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09/14/19 8,000m

Various intervals from 250 to 2K - moderate paced

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09/11/19 6,978m

1 k warm-up - 5978m (2001 to start, 2977 to end) as part of a CF workout in remembrance of 9/11

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09/09/19 5,000m

short, slow, easy row - recovery

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09/09/19 10,000m 37:30.0 1:52.5

Started as SS but second half pushed more

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09/07/19 3,000m

bike and row intervals in a CF workout

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09/05/19 2,500m 7:24.9 1:28.9

10x250 with 1'r - felt decent for legs being sore and tired - all intervals below :45 (1:30 pace)

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09/04/19 2,000m

1k warm-up and 1k cooldown (should have done more)

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09/03/19 4,000m

Short slow recovery row

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09/01/19 8,102m 30:00.0 1:51.0

30 min r22

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09/01/19 4,000m

2k warm-up and 2k cooldown

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08/31/19 2,000m

Interval sprints on CF workout

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08/29/19 6,000m

3x2000, felt sluggish, quit paying attention to pace

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08/28/19 10,000m

Easy SS for dog days

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08/27/19 6,298m

CTC challenge 2298m in 7:11, 2k warmup and cooldown

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08/25/19 20,000m

1k 1'R, 2k 2'R, 3k 3'R, 4k 4'R, 5k' 5'R, 5k....paces under 1:50, under 1:52, under 1:54, under 1:56, under…

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08/22/19 5,000m

Short SS recovery row at 1:54.5 pace but felt harder than it should have - legs tired

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08/20/19 6,281m

Cal sprints during long CF workout

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08/19/19 5,000m 17:59.0 1:47.9

Harder but not all out effort - felt pretty good

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