John Rupp


Date Distance Time Pace Comments Action
10/11/19 600m 2:31.1 2:05.9

6x100 r75 3:39.0 45spm 154mhr

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10/11/19 2,142m 10:00.0 2:20.0

2x5' warm ups 36spm

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10/10/19 24,113m 1:00:17.0 2:30.0

3x20' 155bpm

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10/10/19 10,636m

3x20' 2:50 / 135mhr

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10/09/19 23,801m 1:00:17.8 2:32.0


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10/09/19 11,166m

3x21' 2:50

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10/08/19 22,887m 1:00:16.2 2:38.0


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10/08/19 5,382m

recoveries & WD / #2

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10/08/19 999m 4:12.2 2:06.2

9x111m r40 3:25.4 45spm 180hr
intervals too short to clear lactate

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10/08/19 1,169m 5:00.0 2:08.3

10x30" r30 3:17.3 45S 176H
intervals too short to clear lactate

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10/08/19 1,161m 5:00.0 2:09.1

10x30" r30 3:21.3 45S 174H
intervals too short to clear lactate

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10/08/19 3,193m 15:00.0 2:20.9

3x5' 36spm warm ups

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10/07/19 23,629m 1:00:15.3 2:33.0


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10/07/19 11,165m

3x21' 2:50

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10/06/19 23,623m 1:00:38.0 2:34.0


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10/06/19 11,167m

3x21' 2:50

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10/05/19 23,322m 1:00:15.0 2:35.0

3x20' df61

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10/05/19 5,894m

recoveries & warm down / first session for two months

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10/05/19 893m 4:00.0 2:14.3

4x1' r3 3:27.1 46spm 160bpm

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10/05/19 430m 2:00.0 2:19.5

2x1' r2 3:15.7 42spm 159bpm

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