Chris Xanders


Date Distance Time Pace Comments Action
12/08/19 6,000m 24:02.9 2:00.2

500-500, 400-400, 300-300, 200-200, 100-100, 100-100, 200-200, 300-300, 400-400, 500-500

Light row-fast/hard row

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12/07/19 2,316m 9:00.0 1:56.5

1:00 @ 18-21-24-27-30-27-24-21-18 spm

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12/07/19 3,915m 13:00.0 1:39.6

13 rounds of "Golf"
1:00 work
1:00 rest

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12/06/19 2,483m

Class warm-up and cool down

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12/05/19 5,037m

with Arnold DB Press, GHD Sit-ups, Bent over flies, KB FR Lunges

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12/05/19 1,373m 6:00.0 2:11.0

Before class

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12/05/19 1,310m 5:21.0 2:02.5

Class warm-up

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12/04/19 4,262m 17:31.1 2:03.3

1/1 ---- 20/20
Casual/sprint pulls

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12/04/19 7,571m 30:00.0 1:58.8

At work
0:15 sprint
0:45 casual

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12/02/19 1,291m 5:00.0 1:56.1 View workout
12/01/19 2,518m 10:28.4 2:04.7

Rowed during the end of 49ers/Ravens game

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12/01/19 10,000m 42:04.1 2:06.2

10 rounds of 1,000m with 75 seconds rest between rounds

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11/30/19 2,652m 10:30.0 1:58.7

7 rounds of
1:00 Row @ 26 spm
0:30 active row recovery

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11/30/19 3,041m 12:00.0 1:58.3

12 rounds of 0:40 casual row & 0:20 sprint row

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11/30/19 1,174m 4:00.0 1:42.2

4:00 time trial

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11/29/19 10,000m 39:10.3 1:57.5

5 sets of 2,000m row with 90 seconds rest between sets

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11/26/19 1,000m 3:32.2 1:46.1 View workout
11/25/19 500m 1:37.9 1:37.9 View workout
11/25/19 1,000m 3:28.8 1:44.4 View workout
11/25/19 2,000m 7:22.4 1:50.6 View workout