Robert M.L. Snapper


Date Distance Time Pace Comments Action
03/25/15 4,158m 18:00.0 2:09.8 View workout
03/24/15 2,000m 8:04.0 2:01.0

1000m. WU in 1:59,0
1000m. CD in 2:06.
In between QM 20 split Interval, but again failed to reach the required HRates.

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03/24/15 10,549m 41:25.2 1:57.7

Passing the 50.000.000m. mark

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03/23/15 15,002m 1:00:00.0 1:59.9 View workout
03/22/15 21,097m 1:27:42.9 2:04.7 View workout
03/20/15 12,373m 50:00.0 2:01.2

As the new PM5 allows 50 splits opted 50 min. with increasing HR-Pace. Object 2:04 fisrt 1:59 last. Temp. 15,4 Hum.99%!

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03/19/15 21,097m 1:28:20.2 2:05.6 View workout
03/18/15 2,000m 7:57.6 1:59.4

1000mWU in 1:58,9 QM Iterval & CTC and 1000m CD in 1:59,9

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03/18/15 750m 2:28.4 1:38.9

After QM interval in 1:57,5 done the CTC 3x250m.r2 1:39,8 - 1:39,6 - 1:37,4 Temp. 15,2 Hum. 84%

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03/18/15 10,549m 41:18.1 1:57.4 View workout
03/17/15 7,244m 30:00.0 2:04.2

Lack of time. Just 30'@hr127 tempo 14,9C hum. 79% Epoc 38 TE 2,2

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03/16/15 14,834m 1:00:00.0 2:01.3 View workout
03/15/15 21,097m 1:27:23.7 2:04.2 View workout
03/13/15 20,000m 1:20:42.9 2:01.0 View workout
03/12/15 14,906m 1:10:00.0 2:20.8 View workout
03/11/15 21,097m 1:27:14.5 2:04.0 View workout
03/10/15 2,000m 8:05.0 2:01.2

1000WU in 1:59,1
1000CD in 2:03,7
In between QM Interval target HR 133-168 (nope). temp. 16,0ºC Hum. 50% EPOC 172 TE 4

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03/10/15 10,549m 41:24.2 1:57.7 View workout
03/09/15 7,275m 30:00.0 2:03.7

Busy day at work. Therefor just 30´recovery at Capped HR 127. AHR 124,5

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03/08/15 21,097m 1:25:34.9 2:01.6 View workout