Stephen Waits


Date Workout Score Ave Comments Action
12/21/22 3x750m/2:00r 9:38.8 2:08.6

PBP W02D2 - 4x750m / 2’ rest
The intervals are 50% longer this week, but the total distance of the session is the same. Look ba…

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12/21/22 750m 3:12.4 2:08.2

PBP W02D2 - 4x750m / 2’ rest
The intervals are 50% longer this week, but the total distance of the session is the same. Look ba…

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12/19/22 5500m 27:15.9 2:28.7

PBP W02D1 - 5500m
You’ll see a pattern develop over the first few weeks of your new training plan. These single distance sessio…

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12/07/22 5000m 26:11.4 2:37.1

PBP W01D3 - 5000m
Look back at the average pace of your last 5000m session a few days ago. Aim to row at that pace consistently throu…

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11/29/22 6x500m/2:00r 12:49.9 2:08.3

PBP W01D2 - 6x500m / 2’ rest
Interval sessions allow you to work at a higher intensity by splitting the workout into smaller se…

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11/20/22 5000m 26:57.3 2:41.7

PBP W01D1 - 5000m
The three key points you want to concentrate on during all of your erg sessions are technique, relaxation, and effi…

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08/24/21 5500m 27:36.8 2:30.6

Same story as last week, aim for the same pace as the 5500m row a few days ago, but aim to row it as consistently as possible, keeping th…

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08/18/21 500m 2:09.5 2:09.5 View workout
08/18/21 5500m 27:42.3 2:31.1

You’ll see a pattern develop over the first few weeks of your new training plan. These single distance sessions will increase by 50…

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08/16/21 4x750m/2:00r 13:49.6 2:18.2

The intervals are 50% longer this week, but the total distance of the session is the same. Look back at your average pace from the 6 x 50…

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08/12/21 5000m 25:36.5 2:33.6

Look back at the average pace of your last 5000m session a few days ago. Aim to row at that pace consistently through this session, and d…

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08/05/21 6x500m/2:00r 13:53.9 2:18.9

Interval sessions allow you to work at a higher intensity by splitting the workout into smaller segments. Don’t get carried away in…

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08/03/21 5000m 26:20.5 2:38.0

The three key points you want to concentrate on during all of your erg sessions are technique, relaxation, and efficiency. Use the single…

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