Keith Thompson


Date Distance Time Pace Comments Action
12/29/20 10,000m

wu/cd and intervals

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12/27/20 10,000m


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12/23/20 9,499m

2:00/19 - meters to get to 200K for Holiday Challenge, taking a few days off now

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12/22/20 15,000m

SS 2:05/19

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12/20/20 21,097m 1:19:19.8 1:52.8

New PB by almost a minute and think I had more.

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12/17/20 10,000m

first 2K at a 1:44 pace then steady (2:04ish) for rest to stay at 2:00 pace overall. Just felt like doing a sub 7 minute 2k to start - no…

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12/16/20 5,813m

2k warmup/3k cooldown, 813m TT for CTC - 1:28.1 avg. was super hard but happy with result

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12/15/20 10,000m


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12/12/20 20,000m


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12/11/20 10,000m


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12/09/20 376m 1:00.0 1:19.7

New PB - was an unplanned test, don't think I could do better without specific sprint training

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12/09/20 5,500m

warmup and cooldown for 1 minute TT

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12/08/20 10,000m

5k at 1:55, 5K at 2:05

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12/06/20 20,000m


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12/05/20 4,715m

2k warmup, various calorie intervals in a CF workout

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12/03/20 10,000m


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12/02/20 10,000m

2500m wu/5k cooldown - 10x250 1'R at 1:29.4 avg. pace, all intervals under 1:30 pace

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12/01/20 10,000m


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11/29/20 20,000m


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11/26/20 8,000m


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