Mike LoRusso


Date Distance Time Pace Comments Action
10/31/18 15,000m 1:10:05.0 2:20.1 View workout
10/29/18 10,000m 46:52.0 2:20.6

3 minutes work
1 m rest

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10/28/18 5,000m 21:08.0 2:06.8 View workout
10/26/18 10,000m 47:18.0 2:21.9

5 × 10, 20,30,40, 50 strokes with 1/2 rest

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10/25/18 10,000m View workout
10/24/18 12,594m 1:00:00.0 2:22.9 View workout
10/23/18 8,000m 34:48.0 2:10.5 View workout
10/22/18 10,000m 48:08.0 2:24.4 View workout
10/20/18 15,000m 1:10.4 0:02.3 View workout
10/19/18 10,000m 49:25.0 2:28.2

30 strokes with 15 second rest

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10/17/18 10,000m 47:05.0 2:21.2

6 x 10,20,30,40,50
Shorter rest interval

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10/16/18 13,004m 1:00:00.0 2:18.4 View workout
10/13/18 10,000m 46:23.0 2:19.1

5× 10,20,30,40,50

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10/10/18 10,000m 48:08.0 2:24.4

2 × 10, 20,30,40,50
1 × 10, 20,30,40

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10/09/18 12,530m 1:00:00.0 2:23.6 View workout
10/08/18 15,000m 1:13:46.0 2:27.5 View workout
10/07/18 6,000m 26:06.0 2:10.5 View workout
10/06/18 12,676m 1:00:00.0 2:22.0 View workout
10/05/18 6,000m 25:51.0 2:09.2 View workout
10/04/18 10,000m 44:51.0 2:14.5 View workout