Mike Lynch


Date Distance Time Pace Comments Action
04/02/22 1,935m 8:16.3 2:08.2 View workout
04/02/22 2,371m 10:00.0 2:06.5 View workout
04/02/22 3,536m 15:00.0 2:07.2 View workout
04/02/22 2,129m 9:59.7 2:20.8 View workout
04/02/22 1,000m 5:00.0 2:30.0


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03/20/22 7,000m 29:44.5 2:07.4 View workout
03/20/22 1,022m 4:38.1 2:16.0 View workout
03/19/22 3,016m 13:54.2 2:18.2 View workout
03/19/22 1,042m 5:46.1 2:46.0 View workout
03/15/22 5,734m 25:00.0 2:10.7 View workout
03/15/22 405m 1:59.4 2:27.4

warm up

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03/15/22 1,500m 7:00.0 2:20.0

worked on technique, good curve

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03/14/22 6,016m 25:42.2 2:08.1

5 rounds
40 rep kb core workout between each row

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03/13/22 11,522m 51:56.1 2:15.2

2min rest between sets
1st 2000: 500@20, 500@22, 500@20, 500@22
2nd 2000 - 500@22, 500@24, 500@22, 500@24
3rd -…

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03/12/22 8,400m 36:00.0 2:08.5 View workout
03/12/22 330m 1:38.1 2:28.6 View workout
03/07/22 4,500m 47:00.0 5:13.3

The Chief w/rowing
3 sets of 3 rounds
500m r
5 Power cleans
10 over bar burpees
20 air squats

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03/06/22 7,000m 45:00.0 3:12.8

w/u 500

5 rounds
1200m row
30 KB swing, 15 R/L, 18kg
15 dumbell press ups, 30lbs

w/d 500

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03/05/22 6,220m 27:19.6 2:11.8

5 rounds
1000m row
10 pullups
30 goblet squats, 18kg
40 KB core
20 burpees


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03/01/22 6,015m 25:49.5 2:08.8

5 x 1000m sets, 26pace
KB Core work between sets

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